1 relent
→to act in a less severe way towards
someone and allow something that you had refused to allow before
Ex: Her parents eventually relented and let her go to the party.
2 tuition
→the money paid for this type of teaching
Ex: Few can afford the tuition of $12,000 a semester.
3 stumble
→to walk in a way that does not seem
Ex: He pulled on his clothes and stumbled
into the kitchen.
4 intuition
→an ability to understand or know
something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts
Ex: I can't explain how I knew - I just had
an intuition that you'd been involved in an accident.
5 diverge
→to follow a different direction, or to be
or become different
Ex: Although the two organizations have
worked together for many years, their objectives have diverged recently.
I like the story─connecting the dots in Steve Jobs’ Talk. He was lucky the he found
what he loved to do early in life. He had dropped out and decided to take a
calligraphy class, and 10 years later, he used it to design the first Macintosh
computer, he might never think that he would needed in the future. I also think
that I’d never need the thing I learned now in the future sometimes. But after
reading this talk, I know that maybe I will need someday, somewhere later. Just
like he said: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect
them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect
in your future.” It's inspired me a lot!